Temperatures have risen about 0.75°C since the industrial revolution.
Some of that increase was in your lifetime. The last decade was hotter than the decade before you were born.
What happens next depends on future carbon emissions and how ‘sensitive’ the climate turns out to be. The orange area shows the range of possibilities if emissions keep rising.
On current emissions trends, the planet will be hotter than the preindustrial era by your retirement – potentially above the agreed ‘safety’ limit of 2°C.
By the end of your life, warming could have reached above preindustrial levels. For comparison, a 4°C rise was enough to transform the planet since the last ice age.
A child born today could see rises of up to in its lifetime – enough to bring catastrophic impacts.
Without emissions cuts, temperatures would keep rising in future centuries, likely accelerated by natural processes.
There is some good news: the new IPCC report suggests that the climate may be slightly less sensitive to carbon than previously thought. Unfortunately that doesn't help much.
Only if emissions are cut radically will there be a good chance of staying below 2°C.

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Data provided by the Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment, and Department of Physics, University of Oxford, with support from the Oxford Martin Programme on Resource Stewardship and the Union of Concerned Scientists. Modelling by Richard Millar. Interactive by Duncan Clark.

Temperature projections are based on the idealised climate model of Boucher and Reddy (2009), as used for calculation of warming potentials in IPCC (2013), driven by the IPCC "RCP8.5" high emissions scenario. They are consistent with, but not identical to, to the projections of the IPCC (2013).